General description
Compositeur : RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764)
Auteur du texte (attribution) : DUPLAT DE MONTICOURT, Jean-François (?-?)
Création : 10 février 1760 - Académie royale de musique (Paris)
Genre : Comédie lyrique (3 actes)
Catalogue : RCT 51
Synopsis :
I. Argie, held captive in a tower, bemoans the imminent return of Anselme, an old senator she is obliged to marry, when her heart belongs entirely to the paladin knight Atys. Orcan, instructed to watch over her, pines for Argie’s companion, the impish Nérine, who remains indifferent. Nérine tries to negotiate her freedom, but Orcan remains inflexible. Pilgrims approach, with Atys, protected by the good fairy Manto, in their midst. Argie welcomes him exultantly but they are overheard by Orcan: Atys draws his sword and sends him off. The pilgrims acknowledge the knight’s bravery and welcome him as one of their own. Anselme is announced; all leave.
II. Anselme is delighted to see his betrothed at last after so long an absence. Orcan warns him that pilgrims are prowling. Argie appears dressed as a pilgrim and proclaims her decision to leave with Atys. Disconcerted, Anselme nevertheless pulls himself together and pretends to accept her choice. In order to gain time, he claims he will soon give Argie a treasure. But he actually hands Orcan poison and a dagger, with instructions to make use of them. Nérine has overheard the whole conversation. She doubts that the coward will carry out so dark a deed but, just in case, uses her charm to cajole Orcan. Their comical dialogue is interrupted by the appearance of evil characters that terrify Orcan, who flees. The members of the troupe unmask: they are actually pilgrims disguised as demons and theatre furies. All rejoice at the prospect of Argie and Atys’s union. Anselme appears with his warriors and interrupts the celebrations; the pilgrims find refuge in the castle, whose exits are closed.
III. As Anselme launches the battle, the fortress is miraculously turned into a sumptuous Chinese palace: the fairy Manto’s magical powers are at work. She appears in person disguised as a slave. But Anselme soon recognises her, pays her tribute and finally declares his love. Manto offers both her hand and her palace in exchange for a vow of eternal fidelity. Agitated by the fairy and the enchanting pagoda dances, Anselme hesitates. Argie appears and feigns indignation on seeing him at the feet of another mistress. The old man is trapped and has no choice but to accept Argie and Atys’s union under the protection of the benevolent Manto.
[Benoit Dratwicki]
Parody(ies) :
Pierre-René Le Monnier, Les Pèlerins de la Courtille
Création : Opéra-Comique, Foire Saint-Germain, 22 mars 1760
Source : seul semble conservé le Vaudeville des Pèlerins de la Courtille (Paris : Duchesne, 1760)
[Pauline Beaucé et Françoise Rubellin]
1760/2/12 - Académie royale de musique - LES PALADINS
ARNOULD, Sophie (1740-1802) [Argie]
LEMIÈRE, Marie-Jeanne (1733-1786) [Nérine]
LOMBARD, Mr (1750 ca-1760 ca) [Atis]
GÉLIN, Nicolas (1726-1810) [Anselme]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Orcan]
PILLOT [Manto]
MUGUET, Mr (1757-1780 ca fl.) [paladin]
1760/2/12 - Académie royale de musique - LES PALADINS
ARNOULD, Sophie (1740-1802) [Argie]
LOMBARD, Mr (1750 ca-1760 ca) [Atis]
GÉLIN, Nicolas (1726-1810) [Anselme]
LEMIÈRE, Marie-Jeanne (1733-1786) [Nérine]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Orcan]
PILLOT [Manto]
MUGUET, Mr (1757-1780 ca fl.) [paladin]
1967/6/13 - Théâtre romain de Fourvière (LYON) - LES PALADINS
MANCHET, Éliane [Argie]
MESPLÉ, Mady [Nérine]
SÉNÉCHAL, Michel [Atis]
ROUX, Michel [Orcan]
SOYER, Roger [Anselme]
BURLES, Charles [Manto]
2004/5/14 - Théâtre du Chatelet (PARIS [ville]) - LES PALADINS
LEHTIPUU, Topi [Atis]
OUSTRAC, Stéphanie d' [Argie]
PIAU, Sandrine [Nérine]
PIOLINO, François [Manto]
NAOURI, Laurent [Orcan]
SCHIRRER, René [Anselme]
GONZALEZ TORO, Emiliano [paladin]